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Hi, I'm

Shavin Anjitha

As an undergraduate student in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Moratuwa, I am dedicated to becoming an expert in cybersecurity. I am also deeply passionate about system engineering, system design, network engineering, and software engineering. My drive to innovate solutions not only advances the field but also benefits the community. I take great pleasure in teaching and mentoring aspiring professionals, helping to cultivate the next generation of cybersecurity talent. My portfolio reflects my unwavering commitment to excellence and my ambition to push the boundaries of what is possible in this dynamic field.

"NPM Developer"

BitMonX Discovery Server BitMonX Discovery Client Library

BitMonX Discovery Server And Client Libraries

BitMonX Discovery Server (BDS) and BitMonX Discovery Client (BDC) are two NPM packages that i developed to faciliate service discovery feature within a microservice architecture in Node environment. BDS is a server that runs on a central server and BDC is a client that runs on each microservice. BDC registers the microservice with the BDS and BDS keeps track of all the microservices. BDS also comes with the following features providing full capabilities for manages microservices.

  • Automatic Service Registration
  • Client Side Service Discovery
  • Server Side Load Balancing
  • API Gateway
  • Rate limitting and throttling
  • Real-time dashboard


I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Moratuwa. I am expected to graduate in 2026.

University of Moratuwa

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

2022 - 2026

What I Do

I specialize in web development, cybersecurity, and system engineering. I am proficient in a variety of programming languages and tools, including JavaScript, Python, Java, C++, and MySQL. I am also skilled in system design, network engineering, and software engineering. My services are designed to help businesses and individuals achieve their goals by providing innovative solutions that drive growth and success.


Web Development

I excel in creating dynamic web applications using JavaScript, Node.js, SpringBoot, Python, React.js, HTML, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, and PHP. From sleek user interfaces to powerful backend functionality, my solutions engage users and drive business growth. Whether it's an e-commerce platform or a custom web application, I ensure seamless integration and optimal performance across all platforms.

javascript [#155] Created with Sketch. python [#127] Created with Sketch. html [#124] Created with Sketch. mysql mongodb

App Development

I excel in crafting robust applications using Python, Java, Flutter and C++. From conceptualization to deployment, I ensure your app meets your goals and exceeds expectations. With expertise in leveraging these versatile languages, I create solutions that are efficient, scalable, and user-friendly. Whether you need a web application, mobile app, or desktop software, my services are tailored to your needs, driving innovation and success in the digital landscape

python [#127] Created with Sketch. file_type_cpp2 file_type_flutter

Cloud Management

Simplifying your digital infrastructure through Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Amazon Web Services (AWS). From seamless migration to cost-effective optimization, I ensure your cloud resources run smoothly. With expertise in security, scalability, and automation, I help your business thrive in the cloud.

docker amazonaws


I have a wide range of skills that I have acquired over the years. I am proficient in the following technologies and tools.



My projects makes use of modern technologies and tools to create beautiful and responsive websites, applications, libraries, and games. Here are a few of my projects. Check out my GitHub for more projects

Web App

Game of Life

This web app is a simulation of Conway's Game of Life. It is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. The game is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves. This is a 2D web based implmentation of the the game of life using Javascript and HTML5 Canvas. Game consists of simple game engine built using purely Javascript and HTML5 Canvas for rendering the game.

Web Site


PixelStream is a photo streaming platform for photographers and photo enthusiasts. It allows users to upload, share, and view photos from around the world. The platform provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to interact with the photos and photographers they love. Also, it provides a platform for photographers to showcase their work and connect with other photographers, so they can learn and grow together.

NPM Library

BitMonX Discovery Server & Client Libraries

BitMonX Discovery Server (BDS) is a server designed to facilitate the discovery of services within a network environment, especially in a multi-service (microservice) setup. It works in tandem with the BitMonX Discovery Client (BDC) which is integrated with the services. BDS is a lightweight discovery server built entirely using Node.js. Once the services are initialized with the BDC client, they can register themselves and connect with the BDS discovery server to both announce their presence and locate other services running on the network.

Web Site

MoraUXPlore 2.0 Official WebSite

This is the official website of the MoraUXPlore 2.0 organized by IEEE student branch of University of Moratuwa. The website is built using Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend. Also MySql is used for data persistence. The website consists of a landing page and dashboard for the participants to register, view annoucements, ask questions, submit their designs and view the results. The website's backend is hosted on Azure and the frontend is hosted on Netlify.

Web Site

SLIoT 2023 Official WebSite

This is the official website of the SLIoT Challenge 2023 organized by Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Moratuwa. The website is built using only HTML, CSS and Vanila JavaScript. Also GSAP and lenis libraries used to ptovide smoother use experince and greater animations.

Desktop App


This is a standalone desktop applications that allows users to plot graphs of mathematical functions. The application is built using Java and JavaFX. The application provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to input mathematical functions and plot the graphs. The application also provides features such as zooming, panning, and saving the graphs as images. Also the application is capable of calculating derivatives, intergrals, and roots of the functions. This application is basically built for plot explicit single variable functions and parametric functions.


Dam Game

This is a simple 2D desktop based dam game built using Java and JavaFX as the GUI library. The game is a two player game where each player has 12 pieces. The game is played on a 8x8 board. The game is played by moving the pieces diagonally to the empty squares. The game is won by the player who captures all the opponent's pieces or blocks all the opponent's pieces. The game is built using Java and JavaFX for the GUI. The game consists of a simple game engine built using purely Java and JavaFX for rendering the game.

Contact Me

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